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The Servant:
The messenger sent to end our suffering
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The Servant:
The messenger sent to end our suffering
*Longest Read Page
"I am a believer raised catholic with a BS in Biology and coming to many of the same conclusions as you. But to see it presented like this can only be the work of the spirit. My people perish from lack of knowledge, well not anymore because here it all is !!!! " -Richard
Psalm 139:13-14
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
With all the technology and detailed assembly of our body, let's ask ourselves, how can our cells build all these advanced systems without any assembly or wiring instructions? Take a minute to think about how humans can be born to look like their parents, surely there is some kind of data driving this construction. To build anything complex without data or drawings would completely defy the laws of mechanical engineering. According to science, our DNA only codes for simple proteins, the rest of the DNA (96%) is simply "junk" we are supposed to believe. But is it? Looking at the brain maps we see incredible organization and design. Surely there must be some kind of stored language that tells our cells how to build it. Today scientists can now store 215 million gigabytes of data in 1 gram of DNA, up from just 5 million gigabytes a few years ago. This shows that the 4 character DNA code is almost 40 times more efficient at storing data than the two digit (1's and 0's) binary language found in today's modern computers. Researchers have now stored movies, pictures, software and documents in DNA.
“DNA storage is very dense. At theoretical maximum, DNA can encode 215 Million Gigabytes per gram” (only 4 grams (about a teaspoon) of DNA can store all the world's data) Next-Generation Digital Information Storage in DNA, Harvard University
when we look at that twisted DNA ladder we are really just looking
at a long string of sequential data (see photo). That would compare
to a backup tape drive today where data is stored sequentially.
Some of the best tape drives today can store 201 billion bits per sq inch (about 25 gigabytes). A 1 terabyte microSD card can pack 129 thousand GB per square inch. While DNA can store over 215 million GB per gram.
The human genome is made of 3.2 billion bases of DNA. Each base is made from a pair of four basic building blocks. Adenine, Cyosine, Guanine, Thymine. If we were storing 1's and 0's in DNA that would equate to 3.2/8 or .4 GB in each strand of DNA. But since DNA is a base 4 code it can pack in about 40 times more data (using the above research). That means each cell in our body contains about 16 GB of data.
Microsoft is even working on a DNA backup drive to take advantage of DNA's reduced size and long term storage potential (see DNA data storage).
I have to laugh because when you consider the size of Microsoft's equipment and remember that our tiny microscopic cells perform the same function, only more efficiently. Now we can understand just how low tech our technology is by comparison. If scientists claim to know only 4% of the DNA code, does that mean there could be 15.4 GB of junk? I think not. In fact, I am absolutely certain that all the assembly instructions to build our body and wire up 80 billion neurons are stored in that space. I can imagine that scientists would be too embarrassed to tell us the truth, after insisting that we evolved. After all, that would make them look foolish when we find out that technology like this could never evolve. I know the feeling because I felt like a gullible schmuck after I realized what is inside of us. Could this knowledge affect their jobs? Absolutely, I mean who would take a class in evolution if we realize that evolution is not possible? Also, who would buy their books and give them large donations to search for worthless fossils, looking for some kind of changed life form that we know could never exist. In reality, what the fossil records actually show is that all of a sudden, there was an explosion of life. As if someone traveled to this planet and planted it here. When people finally understand how much electronics it takes just to move your pinky, they will be deceived no longer. If you still have any doubts about evolution I recommend you read the End of Evolution on this site. Now once we can finally understand that evolution is just nonsense, then we can start asking some serious questions about life. Like how we got on this planet with all these other forms of life that we desperately need to survive. The truth is that whoever knows how to build a vestibule, knows how to build a spacecraft and navigate in space. If Microsoft can write DNA then it is very easy to understand how DNA could have been brought to earth from somewhere else, inserted into cells and grown in some kind of incubator.
Maybe that is why the US government recently gave NASA a million dollar grant to investigate the impact of extraterrestrial life on religion. (see article) Is NASA keeping secrets from us?
Now we hear all the time that the way a person act is in their genes or DNA. If that is so then why is the nation so divided today, and why are people separated in groups like democrats and republicans? Why is there racism and feminism? Surely we are not born to feel this way. Why are there so many religions? Are any of them teaching what is right? Also, what makes people attracted to the opposite sex, or the same sex for that matter? We will cover all these topics and show how the brain circuits grow like seeds as we are influenced throughout our life. Are we really born to be "who we are" or have we become permanently changed by our past experiences and influences?
“It has been argued that it is in the period from early childhood to kindergarten in which the PFC forms the basic neural circuitry that will later underlie higher cognitive functions. Experiences early in life can therefore lay down the basic circuitry that is modified in adolescence. Early experiences (aversive or other) set up the PFC trajectories and have lifelong consequences on behavioral regulation.” - Experience and the developing prefrontal cortex. Bryan Kolba, Richelle Mychasiuka (pg 17187)
The brain maps below were compiled during six years of full time research. Each line on the maps represents hundreds to millions of parallel connections. Be sure to check out The Brain, End of Evolution and The Spirit for even greater discoveries that I would find.
View These Amazing Brain Maps
All connections can be verified
The Servant:
The messenger sent to end our suffering
*Longest Read Page
Listen to a compelling testimony from a minister I met.
Isaiah 52:3
For this is what the Lord says: You were sold for nothing, and
without money you will be redeemed.
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"This is the most amazing website that I have ever visited. Wow, it's mind blowing, and truly the hand of God is all over it. His fingerprint is on every page." -Sallyan.
James 5:19-20
My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.
Luke 17:16-18
Then Jesus answered, "Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?"
"I can not stop thanking the Lord for this message. It uplifted me. This is such a revelation. I am so grateful." -R.K.
Exciting.. Informative.. Entertaining.. Reflective.. -Cedric
"God has led me to this website. After all the things happening around the world, I need something to help me understand what's going on and I found this." -Kim
"I have not read, besides the Bible, a powerful article as this one" -Doug
"Thank you so much for people with personal integrity to create a site like this. It's beautiful, it's straight forward, it gives me hope in a world full of madness. Thank you, Thank you." -Deon
So much of an inspiration. May the good Lord bless you abundantly. -Martin
"Ths is amazing work! Finally another person explains it as factual teaching., All glory to God for this work. Should anyone not believe it, well, it is because they are not mature enough to ingest this degree of information. Thank you so much for sharing! -Michelle
Educative and life changing page -Filex
"Wow, God is soooo amazing in your life, very helpful and timely, worth reading. Hallelujah!! -Nen
"Am so much impressed by the truth revealed by this great research." -Ezeoha
"Thank you for this awesome website I found today. First time I found profound teaching." -Carla
"I've been praying for the Truth and I believe I actually found the truth. Thank you very much and I give thanks to our Lord." -Richard
"Good content and schematics" -Dr. Somu
"This information is an eye opener, thank you very much." -Emmanuel
"You are a true man of God. You are chosen of God to lead us to become children of God. God bless you." -Amy
"I am so thankful and so blessed with this page I have searched and found today. I am speechless. Praise GOD for opening this page for me." -Judy
"I found your website 3 years ago during high school. This information has revolutionized and literally has blown my mind about how high and intelligent our God is! I am still in awe after so many years and I believe this knowledge is very valuable and can change literally so much. God bless you for all this work! And praise God that he entrusted you with such greatness and insight". -Alexandra
"Thank God for this great work. May be blessed. I am so happy for this website." -Augustin
"Divinely and super great" -Peace
"Extraordinary" -Trevor
"Indeed a great site. It has actually opened my eyes, gives me hope and clears my doubts. May God bless you and repay you for this wonderful work." -Emmanuel
"I was a porn watching addict but reading this site has helped me control my emotions on watching porn. Thank you so much. "-G.
"I thank God for the few remnants who can boldly stand up to encourage our limping faith to the next level of hope" -Sydney
"It's nice mixing science and biblical knowledge together, letting the people know the truth." -Alexander
"OMG this is awesome, astounding and so true God is here!!!" -Evan
"Wow! Really inspirational, when I started reading I had doubt of mind. But now I think I'm falling in this eye opening revelations." -Emmanuel
"Its so amazing may God bless u with more of wisdom" - Antony
"May God the almighty bless you more and more, so you can keep revealing this hidden truth Amen" -Elias
"I'm inspired.The Discovery And The Message is Totally The Mind Of God.This is what God Wants us to Know,Do And To Preach. God Bless You Sir." -Pastor Kenneth
"The truth beautifully illustrated here is totally convincing, even to down to earth, our God, Jehovah Yahweh is leading us to salvation, let us avoid blind technology and bow B4 the Saviours feet" - Hezekiah
"Thank you so much for this information! My 22 year old son has recently claimed he no longer believes in God and that Bible is true. He seems to be leaning towards evolution. This is a gold mine of information that contradicts the lies he is currently believing. Again... thank you! I have a lot to study" - Karen
"I Bless God and am thankful to Him for giving your gifts to the World. I always felt as though I was missing something in my understand about how we were fearfully and wonderfully made. May God bless you continually" -Jacqueline
"Who are you and how did you get into my head. I am a believer raised catholic BS Biology.. and coming to many of the same conclusions as you. But to see it presented like this can only be the work of the spirit. My people perish from lack of knowledge, well not anymore because here it all is !!!! -Richard
A great reminder to everyone seeking the truth about the greatness of wisdom of the designer of the universe should read. Thanks for letting out the hidden treasures." -Nana
"I teach a high school age Sunday school class at my church. The information contained in this article greatly supports the discussions that I have with them on truth about biblical creation. Thanks again for your diligent work on this topic." -Dave
"I click on this page by mistake. Then I read the first bit to see what I had clicked on. It's amazing, a real eye opening read, like the best thing you ever read. I couldn't stop reading it." -John
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"The contents of this website should be made available to all children of our Father. It is freely available on the internet but so few people know about it. I suppose it proves the point that we must search and in our search our Father will guide us to find it and if we hunger our father will feed us." -Johan
"Wow, this is all I've been seeking for so long. I would like to know you personally. God bless you."-Evans
"I praise God for your continued obedience to his call on your life. I liken you to the modern day Paul."-Evans
"If messages like this are preached in every church, the world would be a better place."-Jesus
"This information, the truth sets us free. Makes me stand in complete awe of God's goodness, grace and mercy. His Magnificence and power. I am humbled to know he made me and knows me and gave me the manual to have and mantain the life he gave me. God you are so good to me."-Craig
"I am highly impressed of your devotion to educate scientists as well as those seeking to adopt the Christian faith! May I publish some of your work in my Book? May the Lord continue his rich blessings upon you and your mission."-Dr Sabrie
"As a medical technician I find the nervous system most interesting which involves the flow of ions. The complexity of humans means there must have been a designer. We have been engineered, that's obvious to an engineer like me with electronics knowledge."-Mark
"The critique of evolution is excellent"-Kajroly
"I can not stop thanking the Lord for this message. It uplifted me. I was hopeless hence I lost my pastor and a sister who was a worship team member. I thought death was unfair and that God is too. But now I know they are living in glory. This is such a revelation. I am so grateful." -R.K.
"I am not sure how I stumbled across your site but I'm thankful I did and I'm sharing it with my family and friends. Your work is amazing and I pray it will help win more souls to Christ."
"I love this message about the end time"
"God used your experience in your professional life to humble you to be more open to hear him clearly, for you to help provide solutions for mankind in his search for the one true God"
"Thank you for your amazing website.. It gives me hope and inspiration for the future."
"This is mind opening but how do I get involved as an individual?" -Baxter
Hi Baxter, The Lord says "It's time to break up your unplowed field". Which means it's time to plant the seeds of truth in everyone you know, except the wicked (or thorns). -Adon
Jeremiah 4:3
This is what the Lord says: "Break up your unplowed ground and do not sow among thorns."
Matthew 13:23
"But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."